Product Support Training Survey
1 / 14
A dough mixer is used to combine your dry and wet ingredients to give a smooth and workable dough.
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A prover is used for storing baked products overnight for the next day?
3 / 14
Dough dividers cut a head of dough into single pieces of equal amounts of dough pieces.
4 / 14
A rotary oven will bake bread at 250 celsius degrees for 35 minutes.
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A bun divider is used for cutting a head of dough into smaller pieces, expels the gas from the dough, rounding them.
6 / 14
When following the basic baking process what needs to be checked during the dough mixing process?
7 / 14
During the scaling and rounding of the basic baking process what needs to be checked?
8 / 14
What temperature must your proving be done?
9 / 14
What final bake result will you get from using steam?
10 / 14
How was the instore training? Rate 1 - 5
11 / 14
Was the Training well received and informative? Rate 1 - 5
12 / 14
Any recommendations on how we can improve training on what and how?
13 / 14
Store name where survey was completed?
14 / 14
Name of Technical Trainer?
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The average score is 90%
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