- Ageing
- Natural improvement of flour by storage.
- Agitator
- Deep box, containing worm conveyor to bring flour and gas in contact in treatment process.
- Airlock
- A machine for introducing stocks into a pneumatic conveying line.
- Alsop Process
- Method of treating flour with nitrogen peroxide, produced by passage of air through an electric arc.
- Apex Separator
- A wheat cleaning machine using a travelling continuous mesh.
- Ash Content
- Mineral content of flour or wheatfeed.
- Aspirator
- Wheat cleaning machine using controlled air currents.
- Atomiser
- Machine for adding water to grain in finely divided spray.
- Attrition
- Dust released by rubbing together of stocks during conveying.
- Automatic Feed Controls
- Self-acting devices to regulate the flow of stocks to various machines.
- Belt Conveyor
- Endless band used for conveying grain or products in continuous stream.
- Belt Hoist
- A sack hoist with a slack belt which is brought into gear by a tightening pulley or lever.
- Bleaching
- Artificial whitening of flour by gas or powders.
- Blending
- Mixing together of wheats or flours in controlled proportions.
- Bran Duster
- Machine for removing traces of flour adhering to bran skins.
- Bran Flattening Rolls
- Heavy duty rolls used to flatten and thus enlarge bran flakes.
- Brush Machine
- A wheat cleaning machine incorporating either two brushes or one brush and a fixed screen.
- Bulk Delivery
- Delivery of flour in specially designed containers instead of bags.
- Bulk Storage
- Storage of flour or wheatfeed in bins instead of bags.
- Centrifugal
- Flour dressing machine with beaters revolving inside a polygonal reel.
- Colour Grade
- Grade figure as determined on flour colour grading machine.
- Compensating Weight
- Part of automatic weigher used for adjustment to obtain correct balance.
- Conditioner
- Machine in which grain is treated with water and heat for mellowing purposes.
- Conditioning
- The treatment of wheat to bring it into optimum milling condition.
- Conveying
- Movement of stocks horizontally or vertically.
- Conveyors
- Endless bands, chains or links or continuous screws used for movement of stocks.
- Cooler
- A self-contained unit for cooling pellets/cubes.
- Cubic Capacity
- Cubic feet of space occupied by one quarter of grain.
- Cut off
- The separation or division of a dressing machine or purifier.
- Cyclone
- Device for separating flour or stock from moving air.
- Cyclo-Pneumatic Separator
- Air-belt aspirator usually used for cleaning wheat.
- Cylinders
- Slow speed, or Trieur high capacity, used for removing cockle, oats and barley from grain.
- Dampers
- Machines for adding water to grain in controlled amounts.
- Damping
- Addition of water as part of conditioning process.
- Decibel (dB)
- A unit measuring the level of noise.
- Decorticating
- The process of de-husking grain without splitting the interior.
- Detacher
- Machine for breaking up flakes of stock produced on the reduction rolls.
- Diagonal Rolls
- Roller mills with rolls set in frame diagonally at 45 degs. as opposed to vertically or horizontally.
- Diagram
- Usually applied to flow sheet.
- Differential
- Ratio of speed of fast to slow rolls.
- Diffuser
- Machine incorporated in pneumatic elevation system at base of vertical pipes.
- Disc Separator
- Machine for removing cockle or oats and barley from grain.
- Disrupter
- Machine for disintegrating endosperm flakes on head reductions.
- Divide Making
- The grouping of flours of various qualities for production of different grades.
- Divider
- Machine for sub-dividing a single stream of stock into several smaller streams of equal proportions.
- Dress (1)
- Pattern of furrows on a millstone.
- Dress (2)
- Nature of clothing of dressing machine.
- Driving Irons
- A cross bar on the spindle to drive the stones.
- Dry Cleaning
- Cleaning of grain without application of water.
- Drying
- Removal of moisture from grain, usually to facilitate storage.
- Dry Stoner
- Machine, with fluidised bed, for removing stones from dry wheat.
- Duo-Aspirator
- A closed circuit aspirator for wheat cleaning.
- Dunst
- Usually applied to stock between flour and middlings in size; or to the cut off section of a flour dressing machine.
- Dust Collector
- Machine for removing dust from exhaust air.
- Dusting
- Removal of flour from stocks before purification.
- Dyox
- A flour Improver.
- Effective Purifier
- Gravity machine in which separation of stocks is achieved by passage of air currents.
- Effluent Recovery Plant
- Machine for removal of beeswing, etc. from washing water before passage to drains.
- Elevator
- Band with buckets attached for lifting stock.
- Extraction Rate
- Percentage of flour obtained from grist.
- Face
- Applied to width of a pulley, or the working side of a millstone. In face means in line or truth.
- Fan
- Bladed rotor, in a fixed case, for exhaust or movement of air.
- Farinograph
- A dough testing machine.
- Feeder
- A machine for accurate mixture of chemicals.
- Feed Divider
- See Divider.
- Feed Gate
- Part of machine controlling the entry of stock.
- Filter
- A chamber containing sleeve filter elements to treat dust laden air.
- Flaking
- Flattened agglomerations of stock produced by heavy roll pressures.
- Flaking Mill
- Rollermill used for flaking maize or oil seeds.
- Flow Sheet
- Diagram showing distribution of stocks and machines in milling process.
- Flume
- Inlet to a waterwheel or turbine.
- Fluting
- Serrations or grooves in break or scratch roll surfaces.
- Frictional Cleaning
- Cleaning of grain by friction as in scourers and brush machines.
- Friction Hoist
- Sack hoist thrown in gear by friction plates, pulleys or wheels.
- Furrows
- The grooving of a millstone.
- Gate
- The door or gate regulating the supply of water to a turbine.
- Germ
- The seed or germinating portion of a grain.
- Gluten
- That portion of flour which coagulates when made into dough.
- Grader
- Machine for classifying mill stocks by size.
- Grading
- Process of classification of stocks, or sometimes applied to the natural separation of large from small stock from an emptying bin.
- Granularity
- Degree of fineness of dress.
- Gravity Separator
- Machine for classifying and separating products with only a slight difference in specific gravity.
- Grit Gauze
- Heavy silk bolting cloth.
- Grooves
- See Fluting.
- Grist
- Commonly applied to wheat mixture or mill feed.
- Heated Grain
- Grain with gluten characteristics impaired by overheating in storage or drying.
- Helical Gears
- Spur gears with V-shaped teeth (either double helical or single helical) to provide a smooth uniform motion without jar or backlash.
- High Grinding
- Grinding by more than one operation with stones, or when the weight of the stone is partly carried by the spindle and not by the wheat alone, such as with under runners in contra-distinction to Low Grinding.
- Hopper
- A feed bin angled towards the outlet.
- Horizontal Rolls
- Roller mills having rolls whose axes are parallel.
- Hurst
- The framing for millstones and gearing.
- Hydrogen Cyanide
- A highly poisonous gas used for fumigation.
- Impact Grinder
- High speed percussion grinder.
- Improvers
- Substances which enhance the baking quality of flour.
- Intake Plant
- Quay, road or railside plant used in the discharge of grain.
- Intensive Dampener
- Machine for adding about 5% moisture to wheat in one stage.
- Joggler
- A shaking sieve.
- Land
- Flat surface between furrows of a millstone or between grooves of a fluted roll.
- Line Diverters
- Hand or remotely controlled mechanism for switching streams in pneumatic conveying lines.
- Magnetic Separators
- Either permanent or electromagnet fitted into spouts and over which grain or stock passes for removal of stray iron or steel.
- Maltose
- Malt sugar produced by action of diastase on starch.
- Manometer
- U-tube filled with liquid to measure pressure in air duct systems.
- Meal
- The whole product of wheat or stones before dressing.
- Measurer
- A grain feeding device.
- Mesh
- Aperture size of silk or wire covers.
- Methol Bromide
- A highly poisonous gas used for fumigation.
- Micrometer
- Device for fine adjustment of rolls.
- Middlings
- Mill stock between semolina and flour in size.
- Millerator
- A wheat cleaning machine.
- Millstone Driver
- See Driving Irons.
- Millstone Spindle
- The upright shaft which drives the stones.
- Millstone Staff
- A wood or iron disc or straight piece of timber used for trueing up the millstone face.
- Mixer
- A measuring device for wheat, flour or chemicals.
- Moisture Content
- The percentage of water in grain or products.
- Moisture Testing
- The estimation of water content of grain or products.
- Moth
- Webbing or larvae of Mediterranean flour moth.
- Multitubular Dust Collector
- System of textile sleeves for removal of dust from exhaust air.
- Nutrients
- Chemical compounds added to flour for enrichment of vitamin content.
- Offals
- Generally understood to be all products of grain after flour is removed.
- Out of Wind
- Applied to stones out of truth.
- Outsiftings
- The fine material passed through the clothing of a dressing machine.
- Overtails
- The material passed over the tail end of a dressing machine.
- Packer
- A machine used for the filling of sacks.
- Paddle Worm
- A conveyor with separate reversible blades to run right or left hand.
- Patents
- Top grade flours.
- Pekar Test
- Colour test in which a flattened portion of flour is wet up.
- Pellet Mill
- Machine for producing pellets or cubes for animal feeds.
- Percentage
- Extraction rate.
- Pericarp
- A bran skin.
- Persulphate
- Ammonium persulphate used as a flour improver.
- Pitot Tube
- Special tube used in conjunction with a manometer to obtain air velocities in air ducts.
- Plansifter
- Nests of sieves in boxes, working in a horizontal plane used as scalpers, graders and dressers.
- Pneumatic Conveying
- The movement of mill stocks by use of controlled air currents as opposed to mechanical means.
- Pollard
- Small bran.
- Posser
- A bumping device to assist filling of sacks.
- Powder Feeder
- A small machine for delivering chemicals in accurately controlled amounts.
- Preliminary Cleaning
- The partial cleaning of grain on arrival, before passage to silos.
- Pressure Dust Collectors
- A machine into which a fan delivers its air for cleaning purposes.
- Primary Stocks
- Semolina, middlings, etc. produced on break rolls as opposed to reduction roll stocks.
- Prime Mover
- Initial source of motive power.
- Protein
- Complex organic compounds containing nitrogen. Colloidal in character.
- Proteolytic enzyme
- An enzyme which promotes softening of the gluten during fermentation.
- Purifier
- A machine using sifting action with air currents applied for separation of light offaly material from stocks before passage to reduction rolls.
- Quarter Twist Belt
- A belt communicating motion to a shaft at right angles to the driver.
- Receiving House
- Building in which weighing and preliminary cleaning of grain is performed before passing into silos.
- Reduction Rolls
- Smooth rolls for production of flour as opposed to break rolls.
- Reel
- A scalping or grading machine; a revolving sieve.
- Release
- See Break Release.
- Repurification
- Second purification of primary stocks which are difficult to purify in one operation.
- Ringing
- A scalping or grading machine; a revolving sieve.
- Rope Drives
- Endless ropes of cotton, leather or composition, running in grooved pulleys.
- Scalper
- A sifting machine used to scalp or dress the chop from the break rolls.
- Scalperator
- A machine designed for preliminary cleaning of grain.
- Scourer
- A frictional grain cleaning machine.
- Scraper
- A device for cleaning roll surfaces.
- Scratch Rolls
- Finely fluted rolls used to treat impure semolina for the release of middlings for further purification.
- Screenings
- Impurities removed from grain before grinding.
- Screens / Screenroom
- Applied to the wheat cleaning department generally.
- Scutellum
- Cellular layer between germ and endosperm, rich in vitamin B1.
- Seal
- See Airlock.
- Separator
- A wheat cleaning machine for removing foreign material from the grain.
- Semolina
- The larger portions of endosperm released during the breaking down process.
- Sifter
- See Plansifter.
- Silo
- A wheat storage bin, or collection of bins.
- Sizing
- Grading of stocks by size.
- Smooth Rolls
- Reduction rolls
- Smut
- A disease of wheat, giving rise to balls of black powder with the appearance of soot.
- Spatula
- A polished metal flat spoon for flour testing purposes.
- Speciality Flour
- Flour produced for a special purpose or particular process.
- Spiral Gravity Separator
- Machine for removal of round seeds from wheat.
- Spouting
- Metal or wooden trunks for passage of stocks by gravity.
- Spring Wheat
- Wheat sown in spring.
- Sprouted Grain
- Grain which has begun to germinate.
- Stacking
- Stowing or topping of products in warehouse.
- Staff
- See Millstone Staff.
- Stoning
- Extraction of stones from grain during the washing process.
- Straight Run
- Mixture of flour produced from all the dressing machines.
- Stratification
- Separation of small from large particles by reciprocating motion of sieve, in which smaller particles sink to the bottom of the layer of the stock.
- Suction Filter Dust Collector
- Collection of sleeves through which an exhaust fan draws its air for cleaning purposes.
- Suction Plant
- Pneumatic intake plant.
- Tailing
- See Overtails.
- Tempering
- Mellowing of grain to obtain optimum milling condition.
- Tension Rods
- The rods which support the outer end of the lower roll bearing arms and control the adjustment.
- Tension Spring
- Safety device incorporated in roller mills.
- Warehouse Separator
- Reciprocating sieve with aspirator of large capacity for preliminary cleaning of grain.
- Washer
- Wheat washing machine.
- Water Absorption
- The quantity of water a flour will absorb to make a standard dough.
- Water Cooling
- Cooling of rolls by passages of water through them.
- Water Wheel Damper
- A device for adding water to grain in controlled quantities.
- Weigher
- Usually applied to automatic machine delivering pre-determined weight of product to sack.
- Wheatfeed
- By-products of the milling process.
- Wheatmeal
- Meal made from wheat with only part of the bran removed.
- Wheat Mixture
- The mill feed.
- Whizzer
- A centrifugal wheat drying machine used to remove surplus water picked up in the washer.
- Yield
- Percentage of the flour produced.